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5 October 2023 | Midland Q4 Energy Data Luncheon

5 October 2023 | Midland Q4 Energy Data Luncheon
Please join us on Thursday, October 5, 2023 for the next Midland Energy Data Luncheon. This event is eligible for one Professional Development Unit.


"The Man vs Machine Title Bout : Artificial Intelligence and Oil and Gas Land Research"

Aaron Trimble
Odessa College

Presentation Overview:
New generative text models such as Chat GPT have taken the world by storm. As many industries are finding ways to deploy this technology the world of energy production certainly will have it’s innovators and disruptors but the most impacted segment of the industry could very well be title research. We will examine the logistics of applying AI to title work and look at some of the current developments being made in this field.


Thursday, 5 October 2023 
Tentative Schedule  - (CST - UTC-5 Time Zone)

11:15 AM - Sign In & Lunch
12:00 PM - Welcome & Sponsor Acknowledgements
12:05 PM - F & B Sponsor Spotlight - Katalyst Data Management
12:10 PM - PPDM Update

12:20 PM - Presentation: 
                    "The Man vs Machine Title Bout : Artificial Intelligence and Oil and Gas Land Research"
                     By: Aaron Trimble, Odessa College
  1:00 PM  - Q & A

  1:15 PM  - Closing Remarks &  Onsite Networking

Location and Timing

School of Engineering, UTPB
(Rm. 2.212 - Located on the second floor of engineering building)
11105 W Hwy 191  
Midland, Texas 79707
Parking Map

Sign in will take place from 11:15 to 11:30 (CST) outside the meeting room. A light lunch will be served at 11:30. If you have any food allergies please let us know during the registration process. If you find you are no longer able to attend, please advise us of your cancellation as soon as possible to free up a space for another attendee.


Members: Free
Non-Members: 10.00
Students: Sign up for a student membership and attend for free
Become a member now here for only $100.

Professional Development Units

This event is eligible for one PDU:
To learn more about Professional Development Units (PDU) and the CPDA Certification Program, please visit our Certification Page.

Calendar Invitation

This Calendar invitation is now available. Please note: the Calendar invitation does not register you to attend.

Thank You!

It is through the hard work of our volunteers, the Midland Leadership Team, and our sponsors and speakers that this event is possible.
We sincerely appreciate their efforts bringing together energy data management professionals.

  F & B Sponsor


Series Sponsor

Additional Information

If you would like more information on the PPDM Association events or opportunities for sponsorship, please feel free to contact us.

Health & Safety Information - By attending this event, you understand that PPDM Association Policies require you to follow the local/regional/WHO safe gathering guidelines including hand/respiratory hygiene, social distancing, and specific venue requirements. If you/your household has unusual fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, or have a close contact who tested positive for COVID19, please do not attend this event. You also accept on behalf of yourself, your heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and assigns, you freely accept and fully assume: all risks, dangers and hazards inherent in and/or any way connected with your participation in the Event (or any part thereof). Participation in the Event has risks and hazards including risks associated with COVID-19. As a participant, you may suffer property damage, personal injury, illness, and even death. You freely and voluntarily assume all the risks and hazards of participation in the Event, including any legal risks. This means that you are giving up your right to sue the PPDM Association for any reason, including the PPDM Association’s negligence, if you suffer any damage, injury, illness, loss or death by participating in the Event. If you do not accept these terms, please do not attend the event.

Note: Please ensure that you answer all the questions below and select "Save Responses" before going to your cart, or you may encounter a 'Cart Error.' For any cancellation or refund questions, please visit our Terms and Conditions Page.


10/5/2023 11:15 AM - 1:30 PM
School Of Engineering (UTPB) Room 2.212 Engineering Building 11105 W Hwy 191 MIDLAND, TX 79707 UNITED STATES

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