Board of Directors

Jesus Rodriguez - Chairman
Marathon Oil Corporation
Drew Stolee - Secretary 
Christy L. Eisman - Director
Scott Tidemann - Director
Petrosys Pty Ltd.
Venkata Deverapalli - Director
Samanda Bell - Vice Chair
Allan Huber - Director
James Graham - Director
Syed I Baber - Director
Chris Cox - Treasurer 
Continental Resources, Inc.
Amii Rozell - Director
Jamie Cruise - Director
Trudy Curtis - Director (CEO)
PPDM Association

Director Position Description

Responsibilities and Expectations of PPDM Association Board Members

This outline of the responsibilities and expectations of PPDM Association Board members has been prepared for the information of potential candidates. In addition, requirements for Directors are set out in the PPDM Association's Bylaws. Please review and consider these topics if you are contemplating standing for election.

Candidate Eligibility
You are eligible to stand as a candidate for election to the Board if you meet the Eligibility Requirements for PPDM Directors.

You are eligible to stand for election to the Board if you are employed by a company that is a voting member of the PPDM Association in good standing, if you are an individual PPDM Association member in good standing or if you are an honorary member of the PPDM Association.

Board Role
The Board is responsible for the overall strategic management of the PPDM Association. It is expected to provide leadership and governance for the PPDM Association and act in the best interests of all the members of the PPDM Association by promoting the PPDM Association’s vision and mission.

Become Familiar with the PPDM Association
The PPDM Association is a not-for-profit professional society with an international membership. Members include thousands of data management professionals and a broad range of energy companies, government agencies, software package vendors, data vendors, and service companies. To quickly become more familiar with the PPDM Association, please click on the About menu on the PPDM Association home page.

Director Responsibilities
Each Director is elected as an individual, not as a representative of their company, and has an individual fiduciary responsibility to the members of the PPDM Association. This fiduciary responsibility transcends the individual's relationship with their employer. Directors are expected to work in a co-operative fashion and decisions are achieved by consensus as much as practicable.

Directors should:

  1. Take every opportunity to meet with members of the PPDM Association to understand their needs and promote the benefits derived from membership.
  2. Promote the benefits of the PPDM Association to the energy industry in the broadest sense. Directors seek financial resources and volunteer participation in support of the PPDM Association.
  3. Define, communicate, monitor, and refine the PPDM Association's values and strategies.
  4. Delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the responsibility and resources to achieve the stated ends.
  5. Operate within the limits defined by relevant statutes and the PPDM Association's Bylaws.
  6. Plan for succession at each Annual General Meeting.
  7. Demonstrate leadership by embracing the spirit of volunteerism.

For more information, please read the Board Nominations Committee web page.

Director Time Commitment
The position of a Director requires the following time commitment:
  1. Attend the Annual General Meeting of the PPDM Association that is held each year on a date that the directors determine.
  2. Attend quarterly one- or two-day Board meetings.
  3. Prepare for and participate actively at Board meetings.
  4. Ensure Board performance is in the interests of PPDM members.
  5. Spend at least 5 hours per month on board affairs in addition to attending all meetings.

Director Election
The Board consists of Directors elected at each Annual General Meeting of the PPDM Association, which is normally held in October or November of each year. Directors who wish to remain on the Board are required to stand for re-election at the AGM. Each successful candidate must receive 50% plus one of the votes cast at the Annual General Meeting.

Director Term

Directors hold office for a term of two years.  Fifty percent (50%) of the Board retire at each Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election if otherwise qualified.

Size of the Board
The Bylaws of the PPDM Association restrict the size of the Board to between 7 and 12 elected members, as set by the Annual General Meeting. Within those limits, the Board may fill any vacancy that arises during the year by vote.

Board Officers
The Board elects the following officers from among its members: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. From time to time, committees under the leadership of a Board member are struck. Board members are expected to participate on committees as they can contribute and as leadership opportunities arise. Candidates should consider their availability and qualifications to serve in these capacities.

Director Expenses
All expenses incurred by Directors are for their account or that of their employer, except in special circumstances.

Board Meeting Location
Board meetings are scheduled to allow participation in-person by as many Directors as possible, most often in Calgary or Houston. Participation by tele- or videoconference is acceptable, but in-person attendance is encouraged for at least 3 meetings per year, conditions permitting. Considerable discussion among Directors is encouraged between meetings either by e-mail or through the Board forum on the PPDM Association website.