Director Election
The Board consists of Directors elected at each Annual General Meeting
of the PPDM Association, which is normally held in October or November
of each year. Directors who wish to remain on the Board are required to
stand for re-election at the AGM. Each successful candidate must receive
50% plus one of the votes cast at the Annual General Meeting.
Director Term
Directors hold office for a term of two years. Fifty percent (50%) of
the Board retire at each Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible
for re-election if otherwise qualified.
Size of the Board
The Bylaws of the PPDM Association restrict the size of the Board to
between 7 and 12 elected members, as set by the Annual General Meeting.
Within those limits, the Board may fill any vacancy that arises during
the year by vote.
Board Officers
The Board elects the following officers from among its members: Chair,
Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. From time to time, committees
under the leadership of a Board member are struck. Board members are
expected to participate on committees as they can contribute and as
leadership opportunities arise. Candidates should consider their
availability and qualifications to serve in these capacities.
Director Expenses
All expenses incurred by Directors are for their account or that of their employer, except in special circumstances.
Board Meeting Location
Board meetings are scheduled to allow participation in-person by as many
Directors as possible, most often in Calgary or Houston. Participation
by tele- or videoconference is acceptable, but in-person attendance is
encouraged for at least 3 meetings per year, conditions permitting.
Considerable discussion among Directors is encouraged between meetings
either by e-mail or through the Board forum on the PPDM Association