Conflict of Interest Policy

Many of our members participate in programs of other standards groups, and PPDM is often asked whether the work we have done may be made available to these programs. To assist our members, the PPDM Board of Directors has prepared this policy:

  1. Material that is publicly available, with or without a guest account, on the PPDM Association website, is available to both members and non-members and may be discussed or shared with anyone without restriction. This is not a conflict of interest.
  2. Materials that are only available to members of the PPDM Association are privileged resources and may not be shared with non-members of the PPDM Association. This is a conflict of interest.
  3. Material that relates to the ongoing development work of a PPDM committee or work group is available to members of the PPDM Association, and may not be shared where non-members are present without the direct written consent of the PPDM Association. In the absence of consent, this would be a conflict of interest.