The PPDM Way

Approved by the PPDM Board of Directors on April 19, 2018

About these Values

These values describe the PPDM Association approach to the PPDM strategic vision. They are intended to provide consistency in development activities and to assist members in planning their commitments to PPDM committees, work groups and projects.

These values have been approved by the PPDM Association's Board of Directors (Board). It is not intended as a static or rigid policy. PPDM welcomes comments from the members.

PPDM Mission

The PPDM Association exists to create a global professional community of practice for those who manage energy information as an essential asset using a collectively developed body of knowledge. In collaboration with the members, the PPDM Association delivers events, publications, professional development programs, and standards that support interoperability of people, processes, and data.

A recognized professional discipline is created by a governed body of ethics-driven professionals who have an intentional and common purpose to develop, deploy and support a body of knowledge and professional development for the practice of data management as a professional discipline. A Professional Society is the most common framework within which this occurs.

PPDM activities fall into three major categories, as defined in the PPDM Strategic Plan:

The community is the foundation upon which the data management discipline is grounded, and the resource through with PPDM’s products and services are developed. The community is a purposeful collective that works together to develop programs needed to manage data assets and data management professionals.
International Energy Data Management Standards and Best Practices (IEDS)
Standards and best practices are developed to ensure that the data asset stewarded by professional data managers is trusted, fit for purpose, available and accessible to all stakeholders and processes throughout the entire Data life cycle.
Professional Development
Industry and stakeholder trust in the profession is based on objective evidence of the skills, knowledge and ethical behavior of certified professionals. Professional development opportunities allow practitioners to acquire knowledge and skills, and managers to deploy and compensate them appropriately.


Association Values

These principles are based on the following Association foundational values:

Member contribution

The power of PPDM lies in the commitment and intellectual contributions of its members. Voluntary investment of effort and expertise is required at every stage of the PPDM development process. Goals and objectives, business needs, development priorities and solutions are determined by the members who choose to be active participants in the development process. The pace of development is controlled by members' input of resources. Development is impossible without the active involvement of members.

This value ensures that the expertise and priorities of members are incorporated into the Products and Services of the Association.

Business driven requirements

The work of the Association is most successful when resulting products are used by members to enable them to achieve business benefits. Members express their needs through active participation in the development process, through communication with PPDM representatives, and through their elected Board.

This value ensures that development is tightly linked to the business needs of members.


Neutrality is the cornerstone that ensures that PPDM develops standards, best practices and programs that work for as many members as possible, and don’t implicitly or explicitly favor any one member.
Neutrality is supported through:

  1. Disallowing any real or implied PPDM endorsement of any specific product or service, except for confirmation that a product or services has adopted a PPDM standard or best practice, where an objective measurement system has been developed and used to measure compliance.
  2. Ensuring that development activities are completed by stakeholders from as many companies and organizations as possible.
  3. Requiring PPDM technical development to be based on open, vendor neutral standards.

This value ensures that all activities are vendor neutral.

Business Relationships

A key function of a professional society is the formation of strong networks and relationships that enable the expression, development and dissemination of new ideas, technologies and best practices.
These relationships are supported when:

  1. Stakeholders in all functional branches of data management (operator, regulator, vendor, service, educational) participate in activities that support their own key needs and expectations, and for which reasonable recognition can be derived.
  2. All members have opportunities to learn about relevant products or services, and can communicate with each other in an open, trusted environment.
  3. Regional communities identify and recruit participants for global initiatives in any of the three core mission areas of community, standards and best practices, and professional development.

This value ensures that the input from all stakeholders is equally valued and recognized.

Orderly Development Process

The Board sets the overall strategy for programs that meet the needs expressed by members. The CEO of PPDM creates annual plans based on the overall strategy and available resources.
Members provide input to the development process through:

  1. Discussions at Association events, such as conferences and user meetings.
  2. Discussions with Association representatives, staff or board members.
  3. Creation of proposals that can be distributed for comment and involvement.

This value ensures that development is orderly and represents the needs of the members.

Membership Fees

Membership fees are an important component of PPDM ’s resources. PPDM uses membership fees to launch or deliver the most critical PPDM Programs and to operate PPDM.

This value ensures that PPDM Programs provide tangible benefits to all members.

Sponsorship Funding

Sponsorship programs allow members to identify and support specific programs that will deliver value to their objectives. Members who see value in a program will elect to participate and help fund the proposed work. Many PPDM activities are initiated by members who indicate their interest through preliminary offers of staff and funds.

This value ensures that development is driven toward concepts that are important enough to the members to attract funding.

Democratic process

PPDM's bylaws and policies require election of Directors, equal voting rights within a membership category, and membership fees that are proportional to region, membership level, revenue or budget.

This value ensures that membership in PPDM is open to all and not dominated by a particular interest group.

Access to PPDM Products and Services

The goal of PPDM is to make Products and Services widely available without the restriction of a separate price or license fee, while ensuring that PPDM has sufficient funds to support and maintain them. Products and Services may be provided at additional cost as determined by the Board of Directors. Non-members who benefit from the Products and Services should consider joining PPDM to contribute to their development and maintenance.

This value maximizes the take-up of the Products and ensures that the cost of acquiring the Products does not become an impediment for smaller organizations.


The CEO of PPDM will regularly report use of membership fees and sponsorship funding to the members.

This value ensures that the members of PPDM are assured that the resources contributed are being used as intended.


PPDM staff and members who participate in PPDM development activities must adhere to PPDM policies and applicable law. These policies:

  1. Are available for review on the PPDM Website.
  2. Ensure that the PPDM workplace is respectful, professional and productive.
  3. Ensure that participants have a reasonable expectation that they are operating within boundaries set by law and policy.
  4. Provide mechanisms to enforce behavioral expectations including potential expulsion of individuals who fail to conform to PPDM policy or applicable laws.


Organizational Principles

These principles apply PPDM values to the development process.

Board of Directors

The PPDM Board of Directors is elected from the membership for two-year terms; half of the board rotates out each year. The Board of Directors is responsible for establishing the vision and strategic plan for the Association, and for fiscal oversight. Each year, the board approves annual business plans, which are operationalized by PPDM staff, led by the CEO. A complete description of the board’s role is here.

PPDM Staff

The staff and contractors engaged by PPDM facilitate and support programs that are approved by the Board, and which support ongoing operations and activities of PPDM. Association staff enable conformity with business and strategic plans and compatibility with other Products and Services, create and distribute Products and Services, evaluate the Product or Service for effectiveness and integrity, process change requests, and provide member support. The PPDM Staff are led by the Chief Executive Officer, who reports to the PPDM Board of Directors.

Regional Leadership Teams

Regional Leadership Teams are formed in cities or regions where the local PPDM community has achieved sufficient size and momentum to support self-sustaining activities. Working with PPDM staff, the Leadership Teams plan the schedule and agendas for data management events and activities. They may also coordinate with other Regional Leadership Teams on events in other regions which their constituents may attend.

Leadership Teams assist with communications and recruitment of subject matter experts for work groups and committees. Further, they foster regional and cross-regional relationships that are critical to the formation of a healthy community.

Leadership teams are launched by PPDM when:

  1. The community can consistently support regional events 2 – 4 times annually
  2. The regular community is 20 – 40 strong.
  3. Enough RLT leaders are identified who can support the needs of the RLT (usually 6 – 12 people)
Complete details can be found in the Regional Leadership Team charter, at

This principle ensures that local leaders can sustain regional communities while remaining a strong component of the global society.


Committees may be launched to provide long term support and continuity for strategic initiatives. Committee goals and objectives may be phased over several years or may provide overarching support for a family of workgroups, programs or activities. Committees exist in each of the three core elements of the PPDM Strategic Plan. Most committees are standing or permanent, while others are formed to oversee long term initiatives. Committees members are often senior staff such as managers, supervisors, or executives.

Committees may be formed when:

  1. A committee may be formed at the discretion of the PPDM Board of Directors. These committees will be chartered and approved by motion of the PPDM Board of Directors.
  2. A need is identified by the PPDM Community or leadership, and a charter document drawn up and approved by the Board.
  3. Participants agree to serve a defined term on the committee. The engagement term for committees is specified in each committee charter and may vary depending on the nature of the committee.
  4. Participants demonstrate the capability required by the charter. Some standing (permanent) committees have specific eligibility requirements.
  5. Succession strategies are followed. Committees require long term planning and succession strategies. Where applicable, these are included in the committee charter.
  6. Committees may be disbanded when they are no longer needed, or when their objectives have been realized.
Complete details can be found in each committee charter, at

This principle ensures that appropriately senior and skilled resources are available to steward key PPDM initiatives over an extended time frame.


Work groups are formed to fulfill the objectives of specific project charters and are tactical in nature. Project work is often intensive until the deliverables for a work group have been created. Once done, the work group will reconvene according to the time table set in the maintenance strategy.

Work group participants are drawn from those in the membership who have an interest in and sufficient technical expertise for the work to be completed. Most participants remain involved in the work group until it has completed the work laid out in the work group charter. The Board and the CEO encourage broad member participation in workgroups.

Workgroups are formally initiated when the members of a proposed workgroup:

  1. Publish a Workgroup Charter that describes their proposed development work in more detail.
  2. Recommend how the proposed Product will be made available and supported for at least two years.
  3. Indicate the amount of staff effort and funding they are prepared to commit to achieve the proposed development work.
Members of a proposed workgroup typically seek an endorsement from the CEO before investing too much time and resources. The Board approves proposed Workgroup Charters. Criteria for workgroup approval include:
  1. Participation by at least three members. For most workgroups, PPDM prefers that the membership include representatives from at least two operating companies and one vendor. Often, regulatory participation is highly desirable, but not mandatory.
  2. Described business need expressed by many members.
  3. Expertise committed to the workgroup by members.
  4. Workgroup scope in alignment with the mission of PPDM.
  5. Realistic project goals and plans.
  6. Availability of sufficient resources –staff and funding commitments.
This principle ensures guidance of Product development is approached with sufficient expertise and resources.


Implementation Principles

Sustaining products and services

The Association creates products and services that have long term value to industry. New programs or activities are assessed to ensure the capability to sustain the necessary effort can be maintained for at least two years, within external constraints that are outside PPDM’s control (such as economic considerations).

This principle ensures the work of the Association can be sustained.


The Association endeavors to find and engage with other societies or groups whose work is related to that of the PPDM Association. Opportunities to collaborate are identified, and relationships formed as appropriate.

This principle ensures that PPDM does not work in isolation, or replicate work that has already been done.

Change management

Proposed changes to the Products and Services are assessed to ensure that the value the change offers exceeds the cost of implementing it. Any group proposing to rework a particular Product or Service is expected to address this trade-off between enhancement and stability.

This principle ensures the cost of change is adequately recognized.

Timing of development

The Products can only be developed with substantive input from the members as well as confirmed through adequate testing. Therefore, the pace of Product development cannot be pre-determined by the Board.

This principle ensures the pace of development is roughly aligned with the pace at which members can absorb new versions of the Products.