Support for the Canadian Well Identification System

Please send your comments or support request to

What Is A Well?

PPDM has a set of baseline definitions for wells. The purpose is to remove uncertainty in the use of common terms and thereby reduce the risks involved in the capture and exchange of well data. The CWIS standard uses the What Is A Well? (WIAW) definitions.

  • What Is A Well? Definitions, interactive tool, booklet for download, review of terminology by regulators.


+ Why a new identifier system?
+ CWIS design
+ Adoption and implementation
+ Legacy wells and records
+ Future of the UWI
+ Well identifier
+ Wellbore identifier
+ Well reporting identifier

Use Cases

These use cases were developed by the CWIS Work Group in 2015. Each case shows how to apply the CWIS standard. If you have any suggestions to enhance an existing use case or recommendations for another use case, please let us know at