PPDM Data Model Compliance

Important Updates to PPDM Compliance

In 2019, the PPDM Board of Directors reviewed and approved the following changes to the Gold Compliance Specification. These changes are intended to be temporary and await the completion of work scheduled for the PPDM 3.10 technical committee.

Please note that the tables in your footprint must be used in the production version of your product.

  1. Add time boundaries: Company owning the certified product must submit a signed annual statement verifying whether data model changes have been made over the course of the last year. If changes have been made, additional processes may be triggered. A small administrative fee will cover the costs for this.
  2. Add Version boundaries: the annual statement will include verification of the product version in production, whether the data model has changed and whether any details about the compliance specification are no longer in effect. If a new major point version has been released, a new compliance specification will be required (fees will apply).
  3. Product Scope Boundary: The compliance will be revised to include a list of the subject areas (modules) in PPDM that are included. For business subject areas, at least 50% of the tables must be included in the footprint. The existing requirements about tables are already in the spec.
  4. PPDM version: Many products incorporate tables from more than one PPDM version - the model design is intended to allow this. The compliance measure will describe which parts of the product are in which PPDM version.
  5. Compliance description: the online compliance registry should be amended to help industry understand how compliance applies to a product.

The term "Compliance" defines a level of conformance between a database or software product and the published PPDM standards.

High confidence in the implementation of PPDM standards:

  1. Limits a software product's business risk by employing standard data definitions that have broad acceptance in the marketplace.
  2. Minimizes expense and errors in data acquisition, usage and maintenance.
  3. Leverages the accumulated knowledge of business processes.
  4. Provides a mechanism for energy companies to objectively determine how different software products might be compatible with their database implementation.
  5. Helps to focus software product developers and customers on the functional added-value features in software products, rather than on basic "commodity" components.

A "PPDM Compliant" classification of software products is therefore a positive and business-driven attribute for energy companies and their software suppliers.

Please contact the PPDM Association to request the materials you need to apply.  All Association Members in good standing are eligible for PPDM Compliance.

Terms of Use:  The seals for PPDM compliance shown on this site may only be used in relation to products that are shown as PPDM compliant on the www.PPDM.org website. No other use of these seals is permitted.” 

PPDM Certified Software Products

Gold Compliance

Company Compliance Measure Compliance Renewal Status Last Updated
Katalyst Data Management iGLASS iGLASS 7.1 New Gold Jan 22, 2024
Petrosys Pty Ltd DBMAP/WEB DBMAP/WEB 2021.3.1 Gold Sep 15, 2022
Target Energy Solutions Meera™ Wells & Seismic Version 2023.1.2 New Gold Jan 03, 2024

Silver Compliance (Suspended)

Company Software Product Last Updated