DM39-013: PPDM 3.9: Location and Coordinate Information: Coordinate Reference Systems

Public Petroleum Data Model Version 3.9

Course Instructor:

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PDM-003; PDM-020
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Course Option: 
Classroom, Private, Instructor-Led Webinar

Target Audience:
Regulators, operators, service companies, data and software vendors, Schools (educators, students). Project Managers, Geologists, O&G Engineers, Financial, Field Workers, Business Analyst, Data Governance, Data Architect, Data Management Leaders, Data Managers, Database Analyst, Software Developers.

Course Description:
Geographic or cartographic references to locations are an important component of any database that requires the ability to be output as a map or spatial object. The geodetic module allows all coordinate or location information to be correctly referenced to a fully described coordinate system. Geographic and mapping coordinate systems are defined in this module to support use of many coordinate systems in PPDM.

Guidelines for use of location information recommend that locations be given primarily in geographic references (latitude and longitude) with additional references provided based on business and technical requirements defined by the implementation team. As with units of measure, relational databases perform most satisfactorily when all coordinates provided are referenced to the same coordinate system.

This session will explore how location and spatial information is managed in the Coordinate Reference System subject of PPDM 3.9.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Review and discuss the diverse and complex nature of spatial data in the oil and gas industry
  • Review and discuss the importance of coordinate reference systems in the PPDM Data Model (v3.9)
  • Explore questions related to EPSG and the PPDM data model – Discussion
  • Recognize the tables that should be used in every implementation
  • Review coordinates in PPDM 3.9
  • Recognize spatial locations and spatial data rules in PPDM 3.9

Evaluation Method(s) / Metrics:
Final Exam available upon request.

Completion Award:
PPDM Certificate of Completion

Special Requirements:
  • Experience working with and understanding spatial data and its use in mapping or GIS systems
  • Specific training in geospatial data is mandatory; without this knowledge the class concepts will be very difficult to understand
  • Understand and apply the principles laid out in the PPDM Design Principles class
  • General knowledge of the oil and gas industry, including the importance of the complexities of three dimensions, time and substances to GIS systems
  • Knowledge of Relational Database systems and how they work