DM39-014: PPDM 3.9: Location and Coordinate Information: Spatial Descriptions and Land

Public Petroleum Data Model Version 3.9

Course Instructor:

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PDM-003; PDM-020
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Course Option: 
Classroom, Private, Instructor-Led Webinar

Target Audience:
Regulators, operators, service companies, data and software vendors, Schools (educators, students). Project Managers, Geologists, O&G Engineers, Financial, Field Workers, Business Analyst, Data Governance, Data Architect, Data Management Leaders, Data Managers, Database Analyst, Software Developers.

Course Description:
Spatial location information in PPDM is supported at numerous levels. First, locations are versionable: this allows business users to manage the original configuration of a land holding or pool description, its present configuration and predict future configurations efficiently. Second, spatial descriptions may describe the surface only; describe stratigraphic regions included in the spatial description and even indicate specific substances included in that description. These descriptions are versionable over time. Finally, spatial descriptions can be described in geographic terms using latitude and longitude or other mapping system coordinates, with references to local survey systems or using a simple text-based description.

The Land Rights Module is designed to provide and manage information related to the acquisition, description, administration, management and relinquishment of the land assets and rights obtained by an energy company, individual, or government body through purchase, lease or agreement. Data related to title ownership and subsequent issuance of agreements that grant access to a "bundle" of mineral rights for a specified timeline is addressed by PPDM. A bundle of rights may include one or many substances in one or many zones (formations) and may be constrained by specific exclusions of a substance or zone. The surface rights subject area addresses a portion of data related to surface title ownership and subsequent issuance of agreements that grant access to the surface for a specified time, to conduct exploration and production operations. Surface access is not inherent with the acquisition or ownership of the mineral rights and is granted through the negotiation and issuance of separate agreements or consents between individuals, companies or government bodies and agencies. More than one agreement or consent may be required to acquire and retain access to the surface occupied by a production facility. Compensation is required for loss of use, adverse affect, nuisance, and personal property damages. Adherence to financial, operational and reporting requirements is administered pursuant to terms and conditions of an agreement or legislated governmental acts, regulations and/or policies. Eventual relinquishment of these rights must be completed in accordance with terms that are set and enforced by regulatory or legal authorities.

This class covers how location and spatial information is managed in Spatial Descriptions and Land Management subjects of PPDM 3.9.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Review high-level PPDM 3.9 intentions, CRS Architectural Principles, general strategy, support module (Spatial Descriptions), and the connection to business objects
  • Discuss implementation overview
  • List four main Parcels, and details related to Spatial Parcels, SPATIAL_PARCEL, SP_PARCEL_%_tables and Metes and Bounds
  • Review and discuss other dimensions (outside of three-dimensional)

Evaluation Method(s) / Metrics:
Final Exam available upon request.

Completion Award:
PPDM Certificate of Completion

Special Requirements:
  • Experience working with and understanding spatial data and its use in mapping or GIS systems
  • Specific training in geospatial data is mandatory; without this knowledge the class concepts will be very difficult to understand
  • Understand and apply the principles laid out in the PPDM Design Principles class
  • General knowledge of the oil and gas industry, including the importance of the complexities of three dimensions, time and substances to GIS systems
  • Knowledge of Relational Database systems and how they work