Course Option:
Classroom, Private, Instructor-Led Webinar
Target Audience:
Executive managers, regulators, operators, service companies, data and software vendors, Schools (educators, students). Project Managers, Geologists, O&G Engineers, Financial, Field Workers, Business Analyst, Data Governance, Data Architect, Data Management Leaders, Data Managers, Database Analyst, Software Developers.
Course Description:
This course arms you with knowledge about the many well status and classification systems used by the petroleum industry. We explore challenges associated with the resulting deluge of industry “status” vocabularies. We’ll lay out a method for reconciling these systems into a clearly laid out faceted taxonomy using the acclaimed Well Status and Classification taxonomy. We’ll show examples of how industry diversity in this vocabulary has resulted in plot symbol sets that are confusing and often contradictory; an alternative approach is explored.
Learning Outcomes:
- Identify and discuss problems associated with well status and classification across the petroleum industry
- Explore and show examples of different perspectives experienced by stakeholder groups over the well life cycle
- Review and discuss challenges with the plotting symbology used around the world
- Explain the structure and use of faceted taxonomies for well status and classification
- Describe the PPDM Well Status and Well Facets, to gain clarity on the terms, definitions and language used in the petroleum industry
Evaluation Method(s) / Metrics:
Final Exam. Pass grade 70% or higher.
Completion Award:
PPDM Certificate of Completion.
Special Requirements:
There are no special requirements for this course.