November 2015
CWIS Work Group
Support the business case for the CWIS Standard by showing how to capture data for a complex well completion
Summary Description
All data for a wellbore completion are captured according to depth interval and time interval within a wellbore and tagged with the CWIS identifiers.
Primary: Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), well operator Secondary: data vendor, data analyst
Question about how to use the CWIS identifiers for a commingled completion. This is intended to support the business case for adopting the CWIS Standard.
Primary or Typical Scenario
A vertical well was drilled to total depth in 2003 and tested in several zones. Two zones were abandoned; the third was placed on production. In 2010 several additional higher zones were opened and merged with the existing production as a commingled completion. The actual (simplified) sequence of activity was: Year 2003
Year 2010
Alternative Scenarios
Using the existing UWI system for well identification, 4 UWI events are used to capture the drilling and completion data for the various zones:
This Use Case assumes that the regulator has adopted the CWIS System. It also assumes some details of the processes used by AER and Petrinex although reality might be different. The identifiers (fictional examples) would be assigned as follows:
Business Rules
The following standards and regulatory procedures are assumed for the scenario:
This case is based on well licence 0281188.